Progress is an intriguing trivia game that presents a unique spin on our perception of time. This engaging trivia revolves around ticking timers, counting down towards various moments. Ranging from the simple 'next minute' to grand cosmic events like 'death of the universe', players must visualize time in an entirely new and fun way.
How to play
To play Progress, you just need to watch the progress bars filling up and try to discern what they represent. You'll be given hints, like "Next Minute", "Next Valentine's Day", or even "Death of the Universe". The players need to guess what event the progress bar is indicating towards based on these hints.
Tips and Tricks
In Progress, understanding how time is represented is crucial for success. Pay close attention to the speed at which bars fill up. Faster filling bars would indicate more immediate events, while slower ones point towards more distant happenings.
- An inventive new spin on time-based trivia games, challenging players' perception of time.
- A wide range of timers from everyday moments to grand cosmic events.
- Clean and minimalistic design that keeps players focused on the task at hand.
- An ever-evolving puzzle that continually offers new challenges with its diverse timers.