Money Detector - Dollars
In Money Detector: Dollars, your task is to detect the differences on identical pictures of various US dollar bills. There are five different levels, each representing a denomination of 1, 2, 5, 10 and 20 dollars. Every level presents unique challenges as you try to locate the seven differences hidden within intricate designs and complex patterns.
How to play
You use your mouse to click on the differences that you spot between the two images. Be careful to ensure you're right, as making mistakes can cost you valuable time. Complete each level by finding all seven disparities. Watch for your progress as gathered stars, you're aiming for a perfect score of fifteen!
Tips and Tricks
Patience is key! Don't rush; take your time to carefully examine both pictures. Start by focusing at one area at a time. Pay special attention to intricate details such as numbers, symbols and graphic elements where differences may be cleverly hidden.
- Challenging gameplay that tests your attention to detail and observational skills.
- Five levels with increasing difficulty based on different money denominations.
- A star-based scoring system encouraging precision and accuracy.
- A fun way to familiarize oneself with US currency designs.