Unleash the linguist within you with Wordoku, an innovative twist on classic Sudoku. A tantalizing fusion of the well-loved numerical puzzle with letters and words. Swap the numbers for letters, apply the same rules, and get your brain buzzing as you complete grids with different difficulty levels; Easy, Medium, and Hard.
How to Play
Choose your preferred level of difficulty in Wordoku: Easy, Medium or Hard. Your aim is to fill all rows, columns and squares with various letters without repeating any within the same row, column or square. Click on an empty space and select the appropriate letter from the choices provided.
Tips and Tricks
To master Wordoku, start by analyzing all possible placements for each letter in individual squares. If a certain letter only fits into one box in a square, put it there. Write down possible options for empty spaces to narrow down your choices as you progress.
- An ingenious adaptation of classic Sudoku into a word game.
- Three levels of difficulty catering to all types of players - from beginners to experts.
- A sleek HTML5 design that works with almost any device or browser.
- A challenging puzzle format that’s excellent for developing logic skills.