Stock Car Hero
Racing games are quite popular but it's also a real-life sport and as such it gets its fair share of gaming adaptations like in Stock Car Hero. You don't need to be an expert to understand the basics of stock car racing. There are a bunch of cars arranged on a track and they're all doing their very darnedest to get across the finish line first. If you're hoping to be a hero in the stock car world, you'd better be ready to drive fast and drive hard. Victory comes to those who take risks in seeking it for themselves.
About Stock Car Hero
For those who don't want to worry about all the complexities of driving, some racing games have reduced the amount of input. This game is one of them and though you're not doing everything that the car can do, you still have a very important role. It doesn't matter how fast a car goes if it can't stay on the road and weave through the other cars. It's about control first and then speed second, but you may forget that amid a tense part of a race. You need to keep your stability in mind or you'll never get that first-place trophy.
How to Play
Stock Car Hero is a 3D racing game about driving a stock car through a variety of tracks using only the keyboard. The only keys you need to worry about are A/D or the Left/Right Arrow Keys respectively. You can use either pairing to steer the car left or right. Your car will accelerate and build speed on its own so you need to worry about control. The goal is to try to win enough races and earn enough points to win the series.
The game starts you on the first of four tracks with the layouts changing along with the skill level of the drivers as you work your way through them. You'll generally spawn in the back and have to make your way to the front of the pack very gradually. While doing so, you can collect stray coins and drive over yellow booster arrows for increased speed. If you bump into other cars or go off the track, you'll lose a significant amount of speed. In between races, you'll earn points and coins depending on what place you finished. The coins can be spent on upgrades to improve your car's performance.
Tips and Tricks
You need to maintain consistency so that you can continuously build speed. Even the slightest bump will slow you down, so keep an eye out for wide gaps to move through. Whenever you can, stick to the inside of the track, and don't risk getting a booster if it'll send you off course or right into another car.
Game Details
- Developer: b10b
- Platforms: Web Browser (PC and mobile) and Android
- Languages: English
Gameplay Footage
Is Stock Car Hero multiplayer?
This is a pretty clear-cut racing game but is presented as more of a single-player challenge since there is no way to race other players.
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Release date
December 17, 2018