Ninja Dragon
In Ninja Dragon, players enter a thrilling, high-speed arcade world. As a fearless ninja, your mission is to ascend as high as you can while dodging lethal enemies such as rival ninjas and hazardous spikes. With the additional risk of Dragon attacks, your nimbleness and agility are tested to their limits. Success allows unlocking of the coveted 'Dragon mode'.
How to play
Simple tap controls make this game easy to play but hard to master. Tap to control your ninja's jumps from wall to wall, swiftly avoiding obstacles and engaging enemies. Time your jumps accurately and unleash fierce attacks on rival ninjas or the intimidating Dragon for a chance to unlock the powerful 'Dragon mode'.
Tips and Tricks
Mastery in this game comes from practice. Keep an eye out for the dangerous spikes and opponent ninjas that could hinder your ascent. Time your jumps with precision and patience. Killing dragons not only scores you points but also brings you closer to unlocking Dragon mode - a significant power upgrade.
- Fierce ninja combat in an arcade setting.
- Addictive tap controls that require skill and timing.
- The exciting challenge of evading various obstacles while climbing higher.
- The thrilling 'Dragon mode' unlocked by defeating dragons during gameplay.
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