Age of Robots
In Age of Robots, you discover yourself in the remnants of a bygone civilization on a barren planet. Your mission is to resuscitate the production of robots and unravel the secrets of your existence. The game, with its engrossing blend of clicker, idle, and management mechanics, delivers an action-packed yet insightful journey into self-discovery, all set within a strikingly crafted pixelated environment.
How to play
The game combines elements from various genres, making gameplay dynamic and engaging. Navigate through the post-apocalyptic world using clicker mechanics. Keep an eye on your robot production rates and unlock new units with collected resources using idle mechanics. The game's management mechanics require strategic planning for efficient resource allocation, ensuring smooth progression in the unearthing of your story.
Tips and Tricks
Prioritize efficiency in resource management and meticulously plan your robot production strategies. Balance active clicking with idle progression to optimize results. Subtly hidden clues about your past are scattered throughout the game; keep an eye on these for a more profound understanding of your story.
Gameplay Footage
- An impressive blend of action, clicker, idle, and management mechanics.
- A deeply engaging storyline set within a visually stunning pixel art universe.
- A well-balanced progression system that keeps players engrossed without overpowering or underwhelming them.
- An innovative take on robot games, offering a refreshing approach to familiar gameplay elements.